Saturday, May 1, 2010

No Subject- Read at curiosity

I was thinking for long to create a Blog. But never felt the need for one. Neither would my busy schedule allow me to Blog. But now things have changed. I am bit more free and relaxed and can give some time to my Blogging.
Recently I was talking to one of my friends who made an interesting comment. Quote " U guys don't know what is it like to leave parents house at the time of marriage" Unquote.
After her comment I was forced to think that even I left my parents house at the age of 18 and so did she. I am been away from my parents since last 5 years so as she been. Even after my marriage I will definitely not be posted to Parents city. I will have to live away from my parents and so will she have to. But then why is always the female community tagged with leaving the home. In fact we guys also leave our parents home. Then why is there so much fiasco over a girl leaving her home. A girl after marriage visits her place once in a month and so does a guy.
Why is that we guys are taken for granted?
What I am pointing is at the mentality of the society and the individual.
It is high time that we realize that men and women are equal. And in our endeavour to give women more power we just don't over run the basic requirement of a man who is also an human being.

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